Convert ALAW files online for free
With this online ALAW converter, you can easily turn your file formats into others, such as WAV. Alternatively, if you want to have more conversion features or change audio bit quality to more precise values, try out the desktop version on Windows and Mac.
What is ALAW?
Full name
A-Law telephony companding algorithm
Format type
Developed by
ALAW is a common audio compression method used in European digital communicators such as telephones. It is used to optimize the dynamic range of the audio signal.
File extension
Technical details
The ALAW files represent audio data compression methods common in voice only applications and are mainly used in the European systems. Like the u-law compression format, ALAW compresses original audio data from 16 to 8 bits with a dynamic range of about 13 compression data bits, (that means half the size of the original audio).
Associated programs
QuickTime Player
Popular ALAW conversions
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