Need to Convert MP3 to AAC?

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Use our free online tool for converting MP3 to AAC in just a few clicks. To batch convert MP3 to AAC, try a desktop media converter from Movavi.

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How to convert MP3 to AAC on Windows and Mac with Movavi

Edited by Ben Jacklin

MP3 and AAC are two of the most widely-used audio file formats around, but they have some differences that set them apart. In fact, AAC was designed to be the successor of MP3, offering better compression and stronger sound quality. And if you want to get MP3 files into an AAC format, you'll need to make use of MP3-to-AAC converters. Depending on your needs, you can use an MP3-to-AAC converter online or choose an advanced desktop program.

With an AAC converter, you can convert .mp3 to .aac with ease, and Movavi Video Converter makes this whole process quick and easy. It's very easy to set up and super simple to start using. In this guide, we'll look at how you can convert .mp3 to .aac with the help of Movavi Video Converter, looking at a simple step-by-step process to guide you through.

Step 1. Download and install Movavi's MP3-to-AAC converter

The first step of converting MP3 to AAC with the help of Movavi Video Converter is to actually download and install the program. Make sure to choose the right files for your platform: if you want to convert MP3 to AAC on your Mac, you'll need to download the MP3-to-AAC converter for a Mac, whereas Windows users will require the Windows version. Once your download is done, follow the on-screen instructions to install.

Step 2. Add your files for conversion

Open the AAC file converter and click on the Add Media button, and then Add Audio. You can then browse your system for the MP3 files you want to convert. Movavi Video Converter allows you to convert multiple files at once if desired, so you can choose to add multiple files to the program in one go.

Step 3. Select the output format

Once your MP3 files have been added to the program, look towards the lower section of the program window and click on the Audio tab. There, you'll see a series of audio formats that you can convert to. Click on the AAC format here and pick a preset from the list provided.

Step 4. Convert MP3 to AAC

Now, you're ready to convert your MP3 files into the AAC format. All you have to do to complete the process is press the Save to button and pick a location on your device for the files to be saved. Then click on the Convert button in the bottom right and wait for the conversion to complete.

MP3 versus AAC

Comparison parameter



File extension




A group of European engineers from Fraunhofer Society, IRT, and CCETT

A group of tech companies, including AT&T, Dolby, Sony, and Nokia


Works on almost any music player

Works on most music players, especially on Apple devices


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When it comes to MP3 vs. AAC, there are clearly plenty of similarities and a few key differences between the two formats. Neither format is necessarily better than the other in terms of MP3 or AAC, as MP3 has the advantage of better compatibility, while AAC offers superior quality. However, there may be situations when you want to work with one format over the other, and that's where AAC file converters come into play. Depending on your needs, you can choose an MP3-to-AAC converter with a free download or an online tool. Hopefully, this guide has shown you a simple and effective way to use Movavi Video Converter to convert from MP3 to AAC whenever you need to.

Frequently asked questions

How do I convert MP3 to AAC on a Mac?

To convert from MP3 to AAC on a Mac, you can use an MP3-to-AAC converter for your Mac, like Movavi Video Converter. Here's how to do it:

  1. Download and install the MP3-to-AAC converter software.
    Download Movavi Video Converter for Mac

  2. Launch the program and follow the on-screen installation instructions to set it up.

  3. Once the program has been installed, open it and click on Add Media and Add Audio. Then select the MP3 file or files you want to convert.

  4. Click on the Audio tab and select AAC as your output format.

  5. Press Save to and pick a save location. Then click Convert and wait for the process to complete.

How do I convert MP3 to AAC in iTunes?

It's possible to convert MP3 to AAC in iTunes by following these simple steps:

  1. Open the iTunes app.

  2. In the Menu, click on Edit, then Preferences.

  3. Next, click the General tab and then press Import Settings.

  4. Click on the Import Using menu and select the AAC format, before clicking OK.

  5. Finally, click the songs you want to convert and then press File > Convert > Create AAC Version.

How do I convert MP3 to AAC on Android?

There are various Android apps that you can use to convert MP3 to AAC files on your Android phone or tablet. Examples of some of the best audio converter apps on Android include:

Does converting MP3 to AAC lose quality?

Yes, converting from MP3 to AAC will result in a minor loss of audio quality. You may not actually notice a difference in terms of the audio itself, but the only real reason to convert from MP3 to AAC is if you specifically need AAC files to edit or play on your device or media player.

How do I create an AAC version?

You can create an AAC version of a file with the help of an audio converter program, like Movavi Video Converter, or via other programs, such as iTunes. You can also convert MP3 to AAC online with online tools.

MP3 or AAC: which is better?

MP3 versus AAC: which one is better? There are pros and cons to both MP3 and AAC, so it's important to think about what you want and need from your files in order to decide which is best for you. In terms of MP3 vs. AAC quality, AAC is a higher quality file format, with brighter and clearer sound levels. In AAC vs. MP3 file size, too, AAC has the upper hand, as AAC files tend to be smaller and easier to store or share. MP3 is the winner in compatibility, as MP3 files can be played on almost any device or player.

AAC encoder vs. MP3 encoder: what do I choose?

It depends on what sort of files you want to make. For high-quality files with small file sizes, AAC can be a great option, but it won't necessarily play on every device or player. MP3 is more universal, but you have to accept that the quality won't be as good as AAC.

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