Want to Convert MPG to MP3?

Use this MPG to MP3 converter online!

This online tool lets you convert MPG to MP3 for free in just a few clicks. You can also use a desktop media converter from Movavi.

Convert to

How to convert MPG to MP3 with Movavi’s software

Edited by Ben Jacklin

Some videos don’t really need a visual part. Lectures and video podcasts don’t become less interesting when turned into an MP3 file. How do you transform video into audio? There are a lot of special programs for that but we recommend using Movavi Video Converter to convert .mpg to .mp3. The trial version of this MPG-to-MP3 converter is free to download, so you can test the software before getting a full version.

With this MPG-to-MP3 converter, you can easily transcode any video to MP3 or one of the other audio formats. Movavi Video Converter supports more than 180 formats and allows you to turn MPG, MP4, MOV, MKV, and other video formats into audio. It also has a few editing tools to apply all the necessary adjustments to your videos. Learn how to convert MPG to MP3 by following the instructions below.

Step 1. Download and install the software

Use the buttons below to download Movavi Video Converter for Windows or Mac. Open the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions to install the program.

Step 2. Add files for conversion

Click the Add Media button and then hit Add video to upload videos you want to transcode. The desktop software allows for batch conversion, unlike the online tool.

Step 3. Choose the output format

First, open the Audio tab and then the MP3 category. Select the conversion preset with the appropriate bitrate value. A higher bitrate provides better quality but makes the output file bigger.

Step 4. Convert MPG to MP3

Movavi Library is the default output folder. To change the output folder click the Save to button. Finally, click Convert to start converting MPG to MP3.

MPG vs. MP3

MPG is a video format that can contain both audio and video data compressed with MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 compression type. MP3 is an audio-only format. For a more detailed MPG vs. MP3 comparison, take a look at the table below.

Comparison parameter




File extension

.dat, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp1, .mp2, .mp3, .m1v, .m1a, .m2a, .mpa, .mpv

.mpg, .mpeg, .m2v, .mp2, .mp3


File type

Audio, video with audio

Audio, video with audio



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Frequently asked questions

What is an .mpg file?

.mpg file is one of the extensions of an MPG file format, which was a popular format for internet movies before being replaced by MP4. Unlike other video formats of the same period, the MPG format used a specific type of compression designed for quick streaming and downloading.

How do I convert MPG to MP3 on Windows 10/8/7?

Use a compatible MPG-to-MP3 converter. We recommend using Movavi Video Converter. To convert MPG to MP3, follow the instructions below:

  1. Download the program and install it on your PC.
    Download Movavi Video Converter

  2. Click Add Media and then Add video to choose MPG files for conversion.

  3. Open the Audio tab, click MP3 and select an appropriate preset.

  4. Finally, click Convert.

How do I convert MPG to MP3 with VLC?

VLC is primarily a video player but you can also download and use it for free to convert MPG to MP3. Simply follow the instructions below:

  1. Download and install the program.
    Go to VLC’s official download page

  2. Launch VLC, open the Media menu, and click Convert/Save. In the window that opens, click Add and import your MPG file.

  3. Click Convert/Save and, in the window that opens, select the MP3 profile and click the Edit selected profile button. On the Encapsulation tab, select MP3. Proceed to the Audio codec tab, check the Audio box, and ensure that the MP3 audio codec is selected. Name the new profile, and click Create.

  4. Specify the output folder and the file name (change the file extension to .mp3 manually), click Save, then Start. Once the process is complete, you will find the new video in the specified output folder.

How do I convert MPG to MP3 with FFmpeg?

  1. Install FFmpeg on your computer.
    Download FFmpeg

  2. Place your MPG file in the folder where you keep FFmpeg.

  3. Hold Shift and right-click inside the folder. Select Open command or PowerShell window here.

  4. In Command Prompt, type the following: ffmpeg -i filename.mpg filename.mp3 In PowerShell, type: .\ffmpeg -i filename.mpg filename.mp3

  5. Replace filename with the real name of your audio file.

  6. Press Enter.

How do I open MPG files?

MPG videos are widely supported, so you can open them with any video player. Some of the most popular MPG players are Windows Media Player, QuickTime Player, and VLC.

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