Need an audio joiner?

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How to join music

Edited by EJ Tech

Merging multiple MP3 files into one is useful if you don’t want to have to switch between tracks during a performance or workout. You can also join individual parts of an audiobook. This guide describes four ways of merging multiple MP3 files. Let’s take a closer look at these ways:

How to combine songs on a computer

Looking for the best MP3 joiner for Windows or Mac OS that can help you merge multiple MP3 files into one? You’ve landed in the right place! Movavi Video Editor is a multifunctional yet easy-to-use software program that can help you with a wide range of different video and audio editing tasks like trimming files, adding effects and transitions, and, of course, combining several audio files into one. Just download the app on your PC or Mac and follow our guide to learn how to merge songs together using Movavi Video Editor.

1. Install the Movavi's music merger

Open the program file. Follow the onscreen guide to install Movavi Video Editor on your computer. After the setup process is completed, the program will open automatically.

2. Upload and join the audio files

On the main panel, click Add Media Files and select the audio files you’d like to join together. There is almost no restriction regarding the format of the output files, so you can use the program as an MP3 combiner, upload WMA files, or even more esoteric formats like FLAC or APE. When you upload audio files to the program, they will be automatically joined together and positioned on the Timeline one after another in the order in which they were added. You can change the order by simply moving the files around on the Timeline.

3. Cut your tracks (optional)

Need to trim your input files, or cut some unwanted segments? Click on the relevant file on the Timeline, place the red marker at the beginning of the unwanted segment, and click the Split button. Then move the marker to the end of the segment and click the button again. To remove the separated segment from your file, select it and hit Delete on your keyboard.

4. Save your file

Click the Export button, and pick the Save Audio File option. Then select the required format and the destination folder and click Start. Now you know how to use the Movavi's MP3 merger!

Movavi Video Editor

Create awesome videos easily

*The free version of Movavi Video Editor may have the following restrictions depending on the build: watermark on exported clips, 60-second video or 1/2 audio length limit, and/or some advanced features unavailable when exporting videos.

Movavi Video Editor

Frequently asked questions

Is there an app that can merge audio files together?

Movavi Video Editor is the best software solution for merging audio files together. Its intuitive interface and powerful features make it easy to combine multiple audio tracks, adjust volume, and add effects. This is a great option for musicians, podcasters, and anyone who needs to create professional-quality audio content.

How can I mix songs online for free?

Movavi Video Editor is a great option for mixing songs online for free. You can easily combine multiple audio tracks, adjust volume, and add effects, all within this user-friendly software. This is perfect for aspiring DJs, music producers, and anyone who wants to experiment with creating their own mixes.

Can I record WhatsApp calls and save them as an audio file?

Movavi Screen Recorder is the ideal solution for recording WhatsApp calls and saving them as audio files. It can capture your screen and audio with high quality and offers various recording modes for convenient use. Perfect for anyone who needs to keep recordings of important calls or create tutorials.

What are the best apps for merging songs?

Movavi Video Editor is one of the best apps for merging songs. You can easily combine multiple audio tracks, adjust volume, and add effects, all within this user-friendly software. This is a great option for musicians, podcasters, and anyone who needs to create professional-quality audio content.

How to use a music merger for iPhone

If you want to merge several tracks on your iPhone, one option is to use the Hokusai Audio Editor app. Just follow these simple steps to merge multiple audio files into one.

Open Hokusai Audio Editor and tap the Plus icon to create a project. Tap the Import button to choose the first file for merging. On choosing the file, it will appear on the timeline. Drag and drop the playhead to the end of the audio track.

To add the second audio file, touch the Import button again and choose a file as you did for the first file. Repeat until you’ve added all your desired files to the program.

Tap the Wrench icon in the upper-right part of the screen and choose the Share Audio option to save the merged audio on your iPhone or to any cloud service you use.
Want to merge MP3 files on Android? Take a look at the instructions below.

How to use an audio merger for Android

Joining MP3 files can also be done on Android devices. But it’s not always easy to choose the right app. Among the plethora of apps from Google Play, we recommend using “MP3 Cutter & Merger”. Install the app from Google Play and follow the instructions below to combine two audio files into one.

Open the app and tap the MP3 Merger icon. Next, tap the Track 1 button to choose the first file for merging. Then tap the Track 2 button to choose the second file. Numbers 1 and 2 define the order of the tracks in the output file.

Tap the Start button to begin the process of merging. The output file will be available in the Merged Tunes folder.

How to use a free online audio joiner

You can also use a free web app to join tracks online. You won’t need to download any potentially risky freeware or shareware – the audio files will be merged via a web page. Online MP3 mergers are designed specifically for joining multiple audio files, so they may be easier to use than desktop video editors. Web apps have a few downsides that you won’t find in full-scale video editors. For example, you can’t switch between mono and stereo or change the sampling rate. Usually, the number of files you can upload, as well as their size, are also limited. If you only want to merge a couple of your favorite tracks, an online merger might be a good choice. We recommend you try the MP3 merger. Go to the website by clicking the link below and follow the instructions to join multiple MP3 files.

Go to the Inettools website

First, click on the Browse button and select the audio files for merging. After the files are uploaded, scroll to the top of the web page. Drag and drop the audio tracks in the desired sequence, then click the Make button to start the process of merging. When the audio files have been joined, the Results section will appear on the screen. Finally, click the green Download button to save the output file or click the red Remove button if you don’t like the result.

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